Monday 18 July 2011

Lush Love

Hey everyone! Hope you all had a fab weekend. I have caught a bit of a cold in the middle of hot scorching summer. Its not fair. Colds should be a winter thing accompanied by hot chicken soup and chick flicks.

No perfume reviews today. Since I can`t smell a thing, I decided to do a little lush soap review for all you lushheads out there. You know who you are :) All the images will be from google as I`m feeling too blaah! and lazy to snap my own *Achoo! sniff sniff *

looks good enough to eat nom nom
Lush started off as a little soap shop in UK and their soaps are fabulous. I know it`s stupid to gush or get excited about soap but these really are great. Chock-full of flowers, fruits and essential oils they are a treat in the shower. Try to get freshly sliced soap of your choice if you want all the pretty detailing (like the honeycomb in the above pic),  rather than the prepackaged ones . Even though they work the same, I  love having my soaps look all  pretty and perfect cu'z  I`m shallow like that :)

Porridge soap

  • PORRIDGE SOAP : This is my favorite from Lush. It`s so creamy and exfoliating and smells simply delicious. Like a warm comforting bowl of oatmeal drizzled with molasses. The oats in it are great to exfoliate your skin in the shower and it`s also very creamy. The only cons are the mess they make, with little oat bits stuck in the shower drain, and also melts away fast.

Sultana of soap

  • SULTANA OF SOAP: I have a mixed feeling about this one.
  WHAT LUSH SAYS: The creamy fruity one. Can we help it if our soap looks like a big cake of tasty Italian nougat? Well, I suppose we can. If we make it soft and creamy, fill it full of chopped apricots and currants and scent it with spicy olibanum, it's hardly surprising that it looks tempting enough to take a lick. You know better than that, though, don't you? Smooth a slice of our fruit encrusted, creamy dessert of a soap all over your body and enjoy smelling like a sweet shop.

This was somewhat disappointing only because after reading the above description I was expecting a more of a bakery yummy scent. But it turned out quite spicy. I`m afraid the olibanum ruined it for me. The scent is rather mild and not harsh, I don't hate it. Just not what I was expecting. It has bits of fruits and kernels in it for gentle exfoliating. I find porridge soap does a better job when it come to exfoliating. Very creamy and lathering. 

Honey I washed the kids
  • HONEY I WASHED THE KIDS: This one is their bestselling soap of all time and for a very good reason.
 What lush says: The irresistible toffee and honey soap. Once you've sniffed it, you've got to have it. On paper, it's difficult to portray the full effect of this honeycomb and toffee scented soap. People who fully intended to walk past a Lush shop find themselves unable to resist its tempting fragrance. They inhale, drool, pick up a big chunk and join the queue for the till. It's hard not to buzz about this one
I fully agree with them. Its like toffee and honey and gets your skin squeaky clean with loads of lather. The honeycomb at the top looks so cute and gently exfoliates too.

  • ROCK STAR SOAP : Rock star  soap was very hyped about in you-tube videos and all. I didn't find anything exciting about it. Its just a pink soap which smells like bubble gum. Enough said. 

Godmother soap

  • THE GODMOTHER SOAP : For those of you who love the scent of snow fairy and can`t wait for it to come out only at Christmas, the godmother has the exact same scent. It`s transparent and full of glitter which doesn't stick to the skin. Lathers well and looks pretty.

Noubar soap

NOUBAR SOAP : Again deceived by the looks of it. When will I learn? It`s not my fault though. Does this not look like a bar of nougat that would smell like pistachio ice cream? I don't know why lush added vetiver oil in it? Why  Oh why!? This could have been amazing but now it smells like stale damp cigarettes. Very exfoliating if I breathe through my mouth and not smell it. Now that I think about it, it`s perfect for when you have a cold. Will use this today.

Snow cake soap
SNOW CAKE SOAP : Snow cake comes out once a year during holidays and is supposed to smell like almond frosting. It`s very creamy and moisturizing and melts like crazy. I did not find the almond icing scent very exciting. It was more powdery than marzipany and very ordinary. But that`s just me.

Vanilla in the mist soap

VANILLA IN THE MIST SOAP : I know I said porridge is my favorite but I lied. I have undying love and loyalty for vanilla in the mist. I don`t know what I'd  do if lush discontinued it. It`s a must for coffee lovers. Very creamy, and the scent lingers on the skin for a long time. I love LOVE this one. This should be the king of all soaps. 
What lush says: If you can't live without your morning vanilla latte, our new Vanilla In The Mist soap is for you.
Its strong scent of roasted cocoa beans and sweet vanilla is as good at waking you up as a freshly brewed cup of java. Real vanilla pods gently exfoliate the skin and add a caramel note to the addictive fragrance. 
Coffee fiends will find themselves constantly washing their hands to get their fix between cups.

I hope I haven`t bored you too much with my soap fixation :) I went crazy in the lush store when I last went to India and stocked up on a lot of goodies cuz we don't have lush where I live :( . In the end i would like to thank my man, for dealing with my lush wish list whenever he goes to UK. Thank you honey, for even stepping in a store so chock - full of girly scents and glitter most guys would be dead embarrassed. I know it takes a man who is extremely comfortable with his masculinity to walk into a store and ask for a snow fairy shower gel with a straight face. ( I know you were blushing hehehe) 

Signing off for now. I better go have some chicken soup and boiled eggs Grrrr....

some images by google.


  1. Great reviews. I can't believe that the nougat bar smells like damp cigarettes, lol.

    I hope you feel better soon! x

  2. Wow, totally impressed by all the soaps! So far only tried Honey I washed the kids. Your reviews have made me want to try all of them and left me a little hungry :)
    Feel better and kick those nasty germs out! Hope you are up and able to sniff again. Sending you loads of virtual hot chocolates! xoxo

  3. lolz....first look at your page and i thought you have switched your topic to Your Fav Ice-cream flavors from perfumes...Gosh they all loook so yummy..we are having our cousin at our place these days,,he is a nasty kid,,and greedy chick too when it comes to eating..em sure if I have these soap-cum-ice creams ..he will eat all these up!;p

    I din't know much about Lush before so it turned out to be another informative post for me.thankz for enhancing my G.K;P

    AND btw do take care of yourself...just take rest properly...have those eggs and tea and dont come back here until you get absolutely fine! ok? (its a temptation for you..I know you wont stay away from your page for long;p)

  4. LOVE the first three, ^^ great reviews! :D

  5. loved this post as one of the lushheads :) my all time favorites are "honey I washed the kids" & "rock star" love them and one thing that amaze me all the time is the smell of the soap that stays on the skin after the shower, feels so good :)hope you get better soon hun , take care :)

  6. @ Pyari beauty I know right! Looks can be deceiving.

    @ Su thanks.Oooh! Virtual hot chocolate. Just what the doctor ordered :)

    @ Asma Khan I warned you lol.

    @ Mishi Ha!ha. Your cousin sounds just precious. You are right. It is addictive.

    @ Michelle Thanks so much.

    @Mania joon Yes the lasting power is great on the skin. Thanks I hate getting a cold. Everything feels ickey :)

  7. aww being sick is no fun, I hope you get better soon! & I've seen lush soap but I've never bought any. It all does look really yummy!! haha

  8. omg!! they look awesomeeee.. yummy enough to be eaten.. :P :P..
    I'm not a huge fan of the Lush store ( they have a weird smell ) but i loveee window shopping their store :P :P ..
    I love Sinmai handmade soaps a looottt!! :D

  9. Omg, my old roomate used to work at LUSH and would bring home free stuff all the time. I DIE for the bathbombs! Everything at the store is incredible though. I could spend hours and $$$ there!

  10. :O twing,, soap or cake or ice cream.... Oh Lush u hurt alot :P
    playing with feelings....

    good post...

  11. There's no Lush in my city, so now I can only cry because I don't have any of this!! :)

  12. I have never tried anything from lush but everytime I see a post about the products. I want to more and more!

  13. Ciao Bella,

    Thank you so much for stopping by my blog and for the follow. I am also following you back again.

    I love your blog, its very nice... I also love Lush... it smells so nice, the whole store smells so nice!!!

    Wishing you a really great day!!

    Hugs & Kisses,

  14. Wow! What a collection of SOAPS.

  15. You have a lovely collection of soaps!! super! i have never tried any of these :( and how do you store them? do you get a container wit it? i jus hate soaps coz i dont know how to keep them safe

  16. wish we had lush here :) great post

  17. @ZatZ I store soaps in a ziplock bag and slice off the amount needed for 1 or two showers. that way the whole thing doesn't melt off at once. Also,take out the soaps from the paper they come wrapped in. Thee paper soaks up the oils and scents over time.

  18. @Arrianna Thanks hon. i`m feeling much better now.

    @Viya I know the store does have an overwhelming scent. But once you brave that and take the products home, they smell amazing:)

    @Merideth Jessica oooh lucky girl. I know exactly what you mean.

    @Fakhara lolz :D

    @Marina awww!:)

    @Miranda do try or ask for some samples and tell us what you think.

    @Shelley thank yooou :)

    @Sarah H Fingers crossed :)

    @loana Liliana yup love it :)

  19. God,I love those soaps!
    the first time I saw one I thought it was cake :P

  20. I loooooooooove LUSH!
    Great buys ;)

  21. Ive never had lush soaps, but found stores nearby so I am definitely going to have to make a trip! Thanks for the tips, and thanks for commenting! :)

  22. Cant believe I missed this post!
    The first time I walked into a LUSH store,I was a lil faint and dizzy.. and I had to control the 'urges'.. you know what I'm talking about. So I bought a couple of those cakes, oops sorry, soaps and brought them home and the rest is history.
    Honey I washed the kids, is my all time favorite..
    You are right about Rockstar,I did buy it once, although I howled with glee at the bubblegummiliciousness and the sparkle, it all ended once i got out of the shower..
    Now after reading this review I wanna get the Porridge Soap..
    I totally understand what you said about your hubby walking into the LUSH store, my husband calls it his 'walk of shame', especially in a city like SF where he gets hit on by guys most of the time ;)

  23. oh, i almost forgot! i hope you get better :) i hope the cold is not bothering you anymore by the time you read this :)

  24. i wish we have lush in Pakistan... soaps are so tempting...yummm yummmm

  25. @Evil Nelly Thanks I`m all better now. And yes i know about those 'urges' lol. The walk of shame haha! Bless :)

  26. aaah nice way of description.. liked it

  27. i love lush products, im in love with the bath booms, please stop by my page and follow back

    Im ur new follower

  28. i have a sudden urge to go shopping at lush! haha. great post! i love lush

    Thanks for stopping by blog and commenting/following, i love yours, so I'm a new follower :)

    Alice x
